Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Photo Manipulation

I think that Photoshop is a very cool and impressive piece of software, I mean the before and after pictures are just unbelievable, it's amazing how you can make a person look more attractive and beautiful just by clicking here and there with your mouse on the computer. I think that women being photoshopped and put in magazine covers are wrong because it is sending a bad message to the people who are viewing it especially girls because it makes them think that that's how they should look to be more attractive.

Now some celebrities are going against photoshopped images and I that it's great that they're doing this because most people are influenced by celebrities and they are saying to the public that they are even more beautiful in their own flesh and skin and not by having their bodies poked around by a mouse. I do hope that this trend will stick but i doubt it because the world is already infected by photoshop images in media and that photoshoping will not go away but this is one good step to making people aware that the way they look is already special.

I think that it's great that the some magazines are using normal people to put on their cover or inside their magazine. I think it sends a message to the people who don't have the perfect body that they don't need one to make make it into the world of media and entertainment. I think that it's great that more magazines are putting celebrities without make up and normal people into their pages.


  1. I completely agree!
    There's no reason people should be changed to look better. If we've started to photoshop people like Jessica Alba, you know that our society is way to focused about looks.

  2. Hey. So, you said that this is really cool and impressive piece of equipment? Something along those lines, it is an impressive program, but should probably we used for better things rather then changing a girls image and basically lying to everyone, all the viewers of what they are seeing, I agree with you there. I really think its unfair that these images are published and given to the viewer and they think that thats the way that they should be when thats not even them, then they try and try and try and go into strict diets to get that figure they see on magazines but to bad its fakes and your striving towards something fakes, thats really unfair. I also agree that its great that more people are becoming aware of this and going agaisnt it, thats great.

    Vilma section 01, Arturi

  3. While I'm definitely against Photoshop manipulation being overused in the media, I agree that sometimes, you just have to admire the work that goes into editing those bits and pieces out. People look so different!

    The trend with magazines using raw or minimally edited photos of celebrities or even ordinary people is a great one. But unfortunately, like what you said, I doubt it'll stick. People in general are too superficial for it! It's complete nonsense to me because women like the one you pictured (Jessica Alba) are so beautiful already. Why would you even need to photo manip HER?

  4. Im also against Photoshop being used by the wrong hands. Photoshop can be a super awesome software if you use it for the right reason or for your own private picture use. As if Jessica alba isn't hot enough already, it probably offended her and damaged her image that the media photoshoped her like that. The media must stop using photoshop as a tool of destruction and stop throwing lies to fragile teens.

  5. It is a tool both capable of good and bad. Having models pose without makeup and being photoshopped is such a good thing to be done and it has a positive on everyone as it influences other models to do the same thing and influences youths to show them they are okay the way they are.

  6. Photoshop being used to alter pictures in wrong. People should be able to look at the natural picture of a model/spokes person and still find that appealing. This puts a great negative influence on out generation to look like these fake models and if we don't we won't fell "real".
