Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Changing Face of Video Games

Gaming have evolved drastically in the past 50 years or so. Many people have spent most of their young years playing video games including myself, most of those people are very familiar with game consoles and companies such as Nintendo, this company has evovled and improved a lot in the view decades it has existed. I grew up playing the Nintendo NES and I remember the fun times i had playing Super Mario and Duck Hunt with my family members.

The gaming console that i have right now is the Xbox 360 and it amazes me how video games have drastically improved in the visual department. Once they were just pixels thrown in a pile to create an object that can move and do actions, now they are almost realistic and most of them are photo realistic, the sound in games today are also incredible, it feels like you are in the video game itself, and when a character is speaking it feels like they are standing right next to you.

Now Nintendo is trying to take gaming into a whole new experience with the Wii, you can control your characters hand with your Wii controller like it's your own hand because it has a motion censoring technology which allows you to play your games with your hand. Wii sports makes it feel like you are actually playing the sport and not just pressing buttons in front of your TV, Wii fit is also trying to get you off the couch and start moving and exercising. Now the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 brands are making their own type of motion censored controller, the Xbox 360's project natal doesn't even have a controller to put between your hands, your hands are the controllers. The Playstation Wand is almost like the Wii controller but it has a few more apllications to it. I think that these technologies are great and it's one step further to getting people off the couch and moving about and it also brings the family together.


  1. I never knew they were making a wii controller for the playstation. Cool

  2. Video games have really evolved and it shows through all the new developments happening at the moment.

    I have always enjoyed video games as they are a great way to relax after a long day of school and I can't imagine what new innovations are going to come out within the next couple years.

  3. I agree. Video games have come a long way and has drastically improved a lot. Nintendo has also changed a lot. Instead of staring at a screen, your actually moving get physically active.
