Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Comments Link

  • http://raylikesyou.blogspot.com/2010/01/photo-manipulation-on-hiatus-in-media.html#comments
  • http://raylikesyou.blogspot.com/2010/01/changing-face-of-video-games.html#comments
  • http://crisico.blogspot.com/2010/01/photo-manipulation-on-hiatus-in-media.html#comments
  • http://mayhemmark.blogspot.com/2010/01/wii-amazing-then-boring-now.html#comments
  • http://crisico.blogspot.com/2010/01/changing-face-of-video-games.html#comments
  • http://inggridluvsmedia.blogspot.com/2010/01/re-are-they-kidding-me.html#comments

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is Taxing Pop Really a Solution?

I think that the scare campaign would be effective in some ways because when people see that commercial, some of them might be so disgusted that they will never drink pop again and some might just say "who cares?" That ad didn't really make me want to become healthier because I don't really drink that much pop anyways, the thing that makes me want to become healthier is so that I would feel more lively and energetic and it would also be good if I could live longer because life is to short, I only buy soda drinks like coke or sprite when they're on sale because they're cheaper to buy. I think that obesity is a major problem in our nation because there are over thousands of people who are unhealthy and obese in Canada and that they should try to exercise and eat healthier, I know I'm trying to exercise more and eat healthier. I wasn't really disgusted or disturbed by the video because my dad who studied nutrition already told me how much sugar are put into one can of soda and that it could be very dangerous for your health if you constantly drink soda. If the tax is accepted in America there would be a good chance that it will also be considered in Canada, and if it is accepted in Canada I think that I would just still wait for the price to drop to buy it because I'm not paying 4 bucks just for a bottle of chemicals mixed up with a lot of sugar, although they taste pretty good and I do crave them once in a while.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Photo Manipulation

I think that Photoshop is a very cool and impressive piece of software, I mean the before and after pictures are just unbelievable, it's amazing how you can make a person look more attractive and beautiful just by clicking here and there with your mouse on the computer. I think that women being photoshopped and put in magazine covers are wrong because it is sending a bad message to the people who are viewing it especially girls because it makes them think that that's how they should look to be more attractive.

Now some celebrities are going against photoshopped images and I that it's great that they're doing this because most people are influenced by celebrities and they are saying to the public that they are even more beautiful in their own flesh and skin and not by having their bodies poked around by a mouse. I do hope that this trend will stick but i doubt it because the world is already infected by photoshop images in media and that photoshoping will not go away but this is one good step to making people aware that the way they look is already special.

I think that it's great that the some magazines are using normal people to put on their cover or inside their magazine. I think it sends a message to the people who don't have the perfect body that they don't need one to make make it into the world of media and entertainment. I think that it's great that more magazines are putting celebrities without make up and normal people into their pages.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Changing Face of Video Games

Gaming have evolved drastically in the past 50 years or so. Many people have spent most of their young years playing video games including myself, most of those people are very familiar with game consoles and companies such as Nintendo, this company has evovled and improved a lot in the view decades it has existed. I grew up playing the Nintendo NES and I remember the fun times i had playing Super Mario and Duck Hunt with my family members.

The gaming console that i have right now is the Xbox 360 and it amazes me how video games have drastically improved in the visual department. Once they were just pixels thrown in a pile to create an object that can move and do actions, now they are almost realistic and most of them are photo realistic, the sound in games today are also incredible, it feels like you are in the video game itself, and when a character is speaking it feels like they are standing right next to you.

Now Nintendo is trying to take gaming into a whole new experience with the Wii, you can control your characters hand with your Wii controller like it's your own hand because it has a motion censoring technology which allows you to play your games with your hand. Wii sports makes it feel like you are actually playing the sport and not just pressing buttons in front of your TV, Wii fit is also trying to get you off the couch and start moving and exercising. Now the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 brands are making their own type of motion censored controller, the Xbox 360's project natal doesn't even have a controller to put between your hands, your hands are the controllers. The Playstation Wand is almost like the Wii controller but it has a few more apllications to it. I think that these technologies are great and it's one step further to getting people off the couch and moving about and it also brings the family together.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Social Awareness Contradiction

I feel that the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty sends a very powerful message to women who do not feel comfortable with their own body, the message is that everyone is beautiful in their own unique way and that they should be respectful and confident of their own body and be happy of what they have.

I think that the Axe Effect Campaign Ads are really funny and it really amuses me how much they would go to just advertise their own product. This ad doesn't really want to make me buy this product because I know that a billion girls running to you when you're wearing axe isn't going to happen in real life. This ad is pretty funny though and it will give you a few chuckles after you watch it.

It's really funny how the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and the Axe Effect Campaign Ads are made from the same parent company but they are sending a totaly different message but i think that Axe can do what ever they want to advertise their product because if they don't, how will they make money out of it? Dove is sending a great and very meaningful message to the audience which is mostly women that they should respect their body and appearance and they also should realize that they are all beautiful in their own way.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ads Of the Past

Ad #1 - Tape Worms
I think that this ad is focused on making people skinny, but it is a crazy of making people skinny because how are tape worms supposed to take your fat away? Do they eat the fat that is inside of you? Tape worms also take the nutrients out of the food you eat and thats not a good thing. I think that it is a weird and unhealthy way to take of some pounds and a very wierd ad.

Ad #2 - Tipalet Cigarette

This ad assumes that if you smoke this particular brand of cigarette, girls will be attracted to you and follow you any where. In the past and somtimes today, smoking is like an icon of coolness and so they try to persuade the consumers to buy cigarretes even though they are bad for your health.

Ad #3 - Eat Lard

"They're happy because they eat lard". This ad is a little wierd because no one can see how eating lard is healthy for you but scientists say that lard have arachidonic acid which is omega 6 and it is essentail to the heart, brain, and kidney tissue, it also has an anticancer effect because it disloves carcinogens. It also improves your metabolism and lowers your blood cholesterol. This ad might sound crazy but eating lard improves your health.

Ad #4 - More Doctors Smoke Camel
In the past, not many people knew that smoking can increase your chances of having health problems and mostly lung cancer, doctors were known to be rich and wealthy people so the company decided to advertise their product with doctors. Now a days doctors advise people to stay away from smoking cigarettes because they can cause health issues which can be deadly.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I think the Google 3d views of the map is a great idea, it can can help many people who are new to the town because it could help them get to know the surroundings better, it could also help travelers and tourist look for the best attractions and sites to see.

I don't think that it invades anyones privacy because the face everyone that appears on the 3d map is blurred out and you can't really see into the buildings and into other peoples house because if you zoom in it would be to much blurry.

This 3d street view is a great piece of technology and it can help many people who have just moved into town or just visiting.